• Home Health  (303) 424-8000
  • Hospice (303) 234-9500
  • Fax (720) 501-6686
  • Alliant Home Health & Hospice Colorado Springs 719.295.8000
  • care@alliantliving.com


Alliant Palliative &
Hospice Care Services

Compassionate, Knowledgeable Palliative and Hospice Care

Why Choose Alliant Living for Palliative and Hospice Care

We aim to provide one-on-one palliative and hospice care in the comfort of your home that meets your chronic pain management and end-of-life needs in a familiar, peaceful setting.

As experienced, trusted home health care providers, our patients and their families trust us to help them transition to hospice-level care when it is required. We work with you to personalize your level of care, including medical, emotional and psychological support for you and your loved ones. We believe in the importance of dignity and security in your healthcare journey.

How It Works

Get in Touch

We begin every patient experience with a personal meeting or phone call, discussing your specific needs and goals.

Collaborate on a Plan

Then we develop a comprehensive, personalized plan that encompasses all aspects of home hospice care.

Our Team Where You Need Them

Your Alliant team is local, always nearby, ready to support your home health care journey.

Our Services

We offer five-star, customized home health support.

Doctor Services

Our board-certified, palliative care physicians provide the compassion and emergency-level care required for end-of-life treatment. 

Nursing Care

The Alliant nursing team brings the highest quality comfort, care and board-certified expertise to each individual hospice patient’s situation.

Medical Equipment

Hospice home health requires the proper equipment to ensure patient comfort and safety is paramount. Our team asses individual home situations then provides recommendations on the best-fit equipment solutions.

Medical Supplies

We provide the medical supplies you need to be comfortable, safe and as healthy as possible.

Palliative Care Medication

Our team can administer medication to control pain and other symptoms associated with end-of-life care.

Home Health Aid and Homemaker Services

We offer trained, certified aides who can assist with daily living activities and home services such as light house cleaning and more.

Physical and Occupational Therapy

Physical and occupational therapists help patients improve physical function and mobility levels, elevate fine motor skills, and work on body strength to accomplish daily tasks.

Speech Therapy

Certified speech therapists help patients maximize their oral and motor cognition skills, improving functions such as swallowing, mental acuity and speech impairments.

Social Worker Services

Our compassionate social workers help guide patients and their families through the emotional and social complexities of end-of-life care.

Dietary Counseling

Working with a registered dietician can help patients with meal planning, appetite loss, food sensitivities and more.

Emotional and Spiritual Counseling

Grief and loss present myriad emotional and spiritual challenges. Our counselors work with the patient and families to navigate this potentially difficult time.

Short-term In-patient Hospital Care

“Respite care” is an in-hospital service designed to provide family members short breaks from caring for their loved one at home. 

Volunteer with Alliant

Contact Alliant today to learn more about hospice care volunteer opportunities in your community.


    We love working with Alliant Home Health. Their nursing team is responsive, polite and knowledgeable. I highly recommend them.
    I work very closely with the Alliant Team in my community! They are phenomenal! They care about our residents and go above and beyond all the time!

    Hospice encompasses the social, medical and spiritual end-of-life care and support for patients and their families.

    Alliant’s hospice services include:

    • Doctor Services
    • Nursing Care
    • Medical Equipment
    • Medical Supplies
    • Palliative Care Medication and Pain Management
    • Physical and Occupational Therapy
    • Speech Therapy
    • Social Worker Services
    • Dietary Counseling
    • Emotional and Spiritual Counseling

    Alliant Living provides one-on-one palliative and hospice care in the comfort of your home. We offer a comprehensive and collaborative team of specialists and medical professionals to support chronic pain management and proactive recovery. Alliant Living believes in the importance of dignity and security in your healthcare journey and we work closely with you to ensure we meet your personal goals.

    Our team is local, always nearby and ready to support your hospice or palliative care journey. We provide you with a support team to meet your medical, emotional and spiritual needs as you navigate your hospice care. As a small, locally-owned, clinician-owned, veteran-owned and family-owned business, we approach each case with an unparalleled level of personal care and commitment. We begin every patient experience with a personal meeting or phone call, then develop a comprehensive, personalized plan that encompasses all aspects of your care.

    For those living with serious illness or chronic pain, palliative care provides relief from symptoms and support for long-term at-home care with the aim of improving quality of life.

    Our dedicated, expert team of medical professionals, therapists and aides work with you, your family and your physician to establish a course of action that meets your personal needs. As a small, locally owned, clinician-owned, veteran-owned and family-owned business, we approach each palliative case with an unparalleled level of personal care and commitment. We begin every patient experience with a personal meeting or phone call, then develop a comprehensive, personalized plan that encompasses all aspects of your care.

    Hospice care focusses on end-of-life comfort, often transitioning patients from the hospital to wherever it is they call home, supporting the patient and family members through the complicated medical, spiritual and emotional aspects. Palliative care addresses and aims to mitigate the complications and long-term effects of chronic pain and illness with the goal of reducing pain and improving quality of life.

    Yes, home health care, including hospice and palliative care, is covered by Medicare and most insurance plans.

    Your Alliant Home Health team works with you, your caregivers, your family and your physician to determine frequency of hospice care needed and which specialists are required.

    Most frequently, a physician will request hospice services on behalf of the patient. Of course, the dedicated Alliant Home Health team is available to discuss your personal needs and next steps five days a week.

    Our office hours are 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Monday through Friday. We also have a registered nurse available 24 hours a day. You can call us at (303) 424-8000, or submit an online request and we will get in touch with your shortly.

    Connect with Alliant Living Today

    Our friendly, dedicated team looks forward to hearing from you.

    We’re here to answer
    your questions.

    Contact Alliant today to learn more about our home health, palliative and hospice care services.